Theme Name: Themify Ultra
Theme URI: https://themify.me/themes/ultra
Version: 2.8.3 
Description: Use Ultra theme to create professional sites quickly and easily (landing pages, portfolio, blog, corporate, ecommerce, and more). It includes a bunch of header/footer layout options and pre-built demos that you can import to your site. Read <a href="https://themify.me/docs/ultra-documentation">Ultra documentation</a> for more information.
Author: Themify
Author URI: https://www.themify.me
License: GNU General Public License v2.0
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Copyright: (c) Themify.
Tags: themify, featured-images, translation-ready, custom-menu, sidebar
Text Domain: themify
Recommended Plugins: woocommerce, themify-portfolio-post, builder-countdown, builder-progress-bar, builder-counter, builder-contact, builder-woocommerce, builder-timeline, builder-image-pro, builder-typewriter, builder-maps-pro, builder-pricing-table, builder-slider-pro



If you need to override theme styling, please add custom CSS in Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS or a child theme (https://themify.me/docs/child-theme).


1.  Reset
2.  General Styling (default font, color, lists, headings, form elements, etc.)
3.  Structure (page width & layout containers)
4.  Grid (column width)
5.  Header (logo, tagline, social widget, search form, main menu)
6.  Page (page title, author page, pagination)
7.  Post (post layouts & styling, comments, post navigation)
    7.1 Portfolio Post Type
8.  Sidebar
    8.1 Widget Styles
9.  Footer
10. Builder Styling
11. WordPress Formatting
12. Gallery
13. Clear & Alignment

html, body, address, blockquote, div, dl, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ol, p, pre, table, ul,
dd, dt, li, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr, button, del, ins, map, object,
a, abbr, acronym, b, bdo, big, br, cite, code, dfn, em, i, img, kbd, q, samp, small, span,
strong, sub, sup, tt, var, legend, fieldset, figure {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;

img, fieldset,a {
	border: 0;
/* set img max-width */
img {
	max-width: 100%;
	height: auto;
/* ie 8 img max-width */
.ie8 img { width: auto;}

/* set html5 elements to block */
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
	display: block;

/* audio */
audio {
	max-width: 100%;

/* iframes and objects max-width (for embed media) */
iframe, object, embed {
	max-width: 100%;

@font-face {
	font-family: 'themify_theme_icon';
	src: url('data:application/octet-stream;base64,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') format('woff');
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/* iOS fix body fixed background */
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a {
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a:hover {
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small {
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blockquote:before {
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ins {
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================================================ */
ul, ol {
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li {
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================================================ */
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
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h6 {
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================================================ */
/* form input */
input, textarea, select, input[type=search], button {
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textarea, input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=search], input[type=email], input[type=url], input[type=number], input[type=tel], input[type=date], input[type=datetime], input[type=datetime-local], input[type=month], input[type=time], input[type=week] {
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#commentform input[type=checkbox] + label,
input[type=checkbox] + label {
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textarea {
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select {
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/* form input:focus */
textarea:focus, input[type=text]:focus, input[type=password]:focus, input[type=search]:focus, input[type=email]:focus, input[type=url]:focus, input[type=number]:focus, input[type=tel]:focus, input[type=date]:focus, input[type=datetime]:focus, input[type=datetime-local]:focus, input[type=month]:focus, input[type=time]:focus, input[type=week]:focus {
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/* form button */
input[type=reset], input[type=submit], button {
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	transition: all .3s ease-in-out;

/* form input:hover */
button:hover {
	background-color: #000;
	color: #fff;

/* set general layout containers box-sizing */
img, textarea, input, #pagewrap, .pagewidth, #headerwrap, #header, #main-nav, #main-nav ul a, .sidemenu, .header-bar, #body, #layout, #content, .post, .post-content, .author-box, .post-nav, .post-nav .prev, .post-nav .next, .pagenav, #sidebar, .widget, #footerwrap, #footer, .col4-1, .col4-2, .col4-3, .col3-1, .col3-2, .col2-1 {
	box-sizing: border-box;

.tf-hide {
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/* main page width */

.module_row > .row_inner,
.module-layout-part .module_row.fullwidth_row_container > .row_inner {
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.module_row.fullwidth > .row_inner {
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/* body (middle container) */
#body {
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/* content */
#content {
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.sidebar-none #content {
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/* sidebar */
#sidebar-alt {
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#sidebar {
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#sidebar .secondary {
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/* sidebar2 */
body:not(.sidebar2):not(.sidebar-none):not(.sidebar-left):not(.full_width) #content {
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body:not(.sidebar2):not(.sidebar-left) #sidebar {
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.sidebar2.content-right #layout {
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.sidebar2:not(.content-left):not(.content-right) #sidebar-alt {
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.sidebar2 #sidebar-alt {
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.sidebar2 #sidebar {
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.sidebar2 #content {
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/* sticky sidebar*/

.single_posts_wrapper_infinite #content{
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.single_posts_wrapper_infinite #sidebar,
.single_posts_wrapper_infinite #sidebar-alt,
.sticky_sidebar_enabled #sidebar,
.sticky_sidebar_enabled  #sidebar-alt{
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.admin-bar .single_posts_wrapper_infinite #sidebar,
.admin-bar .single_posts_wrapper_infinite #sidebar-alt{
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body:not(.fixed-header-on).single_posts_wrapper_infinite #sidebar,
body:not(.fixed-header-on).single_posts_wrapper_infinite #sidebar-alt,
body:not(.fixed-header-on).sticky_sidebar_enabled #sidebar,
body:not(.fixed-header-on).sticky_sidebar_enabled  #sidebar-alt{
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body:not(.sticky_sidebar_enabled) #toggle-mobile-sidebar-button{
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/* full_width content */
.full_width #layout {
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.full_width #content {
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.full_width #sidebar {
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/* sidebar left */
.sidebar-left #content {
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.sidebar-left #sidebar {
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.sidebar2.content-left #sidebar,
.sidebar2.content-left #sidebar-alt {
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.sidebar2.content-right #sidebar,
.sidebar2.content-right #sidebar-alt {
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.sidebar2:not(.content-left):not(.content-right) #content {
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.col2-1 {
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.col4-1 {
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.col4-2, .col2-1 {
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.col4-3 {
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.col3-1 {
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.col3-2 {
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.col2-1.first {
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#headerwrap {
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/*Header slider image for object-fit*/
#headerwrap img.headerwrap-bg,
#headerwrap img.headerwrap-bg-deletable {
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body.fixed-header.page-loaded #headerwrap {
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body.no-fixed-header #pagewrap,
body:not(.page-loaded) #pagewrap {
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#header {
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	overflow: visible; /* required to prevent menu dropdown hidden */
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	transition: all .3s ease-in-out;
.iphone #headerwrap {
	background-attachment: scroll !important;
	background-position: center !important;

/* header widget */
.header-widget {
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.header-widget .widget {
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.header-widget .widgettitle {
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/* site logo */
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#site-logo a {
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#site-logo a:hover {
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/* sticky header logo */
#headerwrap #sticky_header_logo, /* hide sticky header logo */
#headerwrap #fixedheaderheaderwrapsitelogoa,
#headerwrap.fixed-header #sticky_header_logo,
#headerwrap.fixed-header #sticky_header_logo + span,
#headerwrap.fixed-header #sticky_header_logo + img,
#headerwrap #fixedheaderheaderwrapsitelogoa + img,
#headerwrap #fixedheaderheaderwrapsitelogoa ~ #sticky_header_logo {
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#headerwrap.fixed-header #sticky_header_logo,
#headerwrap.fixed-header #fixedheaderheaderwrapsitelogoa {

/* site description */
#site-description {
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#site-description p {
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#site-description .site-taglink{
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#site-description .site-taglink:hover{
/* social widget */
#headerwrap .social-widget strong {
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.social-widget {
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.social-widget a {
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.social-widget a:hover {
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.social-widget .widget {
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.social-widget ul {
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.social-widget .social-links.horizontal li {
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.social-widget li img {
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.social-links li i {
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/* rss */
.social-widget div.rss {
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.social-widget div.rss a {
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.social-widget div.rss a:before {
	content: "\f09e"; /* fa-rss */
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	font-weight: normal;
	text-decoration: inherit;

/* Search Form */
.search-button {
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a.search-button {
.search-button:before {
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.search-button:focus {
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#search-lightbox-wrap {
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.search-lightbox {
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.searchform-slidedown .search-lightbox {
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	opacity: 1;
.search-lightbox #searchform-wrap{
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/* animate search input */
#search-lightbox-wrap #searchform-wrap {
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#search-lightbox-wrap #searchform-wrap #searchform {
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	transition: all .5s;
#search-lightbox-wrap.search-active #searchform-wrap {
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#search-lightbox-wrap.search-active #searchform-wrap #searchform {
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#searchform {
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#searchform #s {
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#searchform .icon-search:before {
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#close-search-box {
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#close-search-box:after {
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#close-search-box:before {
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#close-search-box:after {
	transform: rotateZ(-45deg);	
	transform: rotateZ(90deg);

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.search-results-wrap > p {
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.search-results-wrap .themify_spinner{
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/* search option tab */
.search-option-tab {
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.search-option-tab li {
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.search-option-tab li a {
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.search-option-tab li:hover a,
.search-option-tab li.active a {
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	color: #060604;

/* search result item */
.search-results-wrap a {
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	text-decoration: none;
.search-results-wrap a[style="display: inline;"] {
	display: inline-block !important;
.result-item {
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.result-item .title {
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.result-item .price {
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.result-item .price del {
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	opacity: .5;
.result-item img {
	float: right;
	margin-top: 4px;

/* search view all wrap */
.view-all-wrap {
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.view-all-button {
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    padding: 0;
.view-all-button:after {
    content: '';
    display: block;
    border-bottom: 3px solid #ed1e24;

/* Rounded BG searchform */
#searchform-wrap {
	display: inline-block;
	vertical-align: middle;
	margin: 0 0 1em .2em;
#headerwrap #searchform {
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	width: 34px;
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#headerwrap #searchform #s {
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	transition: width .7s, background .7s;
#headerwrap #searchform #s:focus,
#headerwrap #searchform #s:hover,
#headerwrap #searchform .icon-search:hover + #s {
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#headerwrap #searchform .icon-search:before {
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/* main navigation */
#main-nav {
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#main-nav ul {
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#main-nav li {
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#main-nav li.themify-widget-menu {
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/* main level link */
#main-nav a {
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	text-decoration: none;
	transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
/* main level link :hover */
#main-nav a:hover {
	color: #ed1e24;

/* current link */
#main-nav .current_page_item > a,
#main-nav .current-menu-item > a {
	color: #ed1e24;

/* highlight-link */
#main-nav .highlight-link > a {
	padding: .2em 1em;
	border: 1px solid;
	border-radius: 4px;

/* sub-levels link */
#main-nav ul {
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#main-nav ul a {
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/* set both dropdown and mega container bg to have consistent bg */
#main-nav li:not(.themify-widget-menu) > ul,
#main-nav .has-mega-sub-menu .mega-sub-menu,
#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu {
	background-color: #fff;	

/* set both dropdown and mega links so they have consistent color */
#main-nav ul a,
#main-nav .mega-menu-posts a {
	color: #353535;
#main-nav ul a:hover,
#main-nav .mega-menu-posts a:hover {
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/* dropdown ul */
#main-nav li:not(.themify-widget-menu) > ul {
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#main-nav ul li {
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/* sub-levels dropdown */
#main-nav li:not(.themify-widget-menu) > ul ul {
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	top: -.65em;
/* show dropdown ul */
.no-touch #main-nav li:hover > ul {
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#main-nav .dropdown-open > .sub-menu {
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#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu .sub-arrow {
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#main-nav .sub-arrow {
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#main-nav .sub-arrow:hover {
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/* Edge Menu */
#main-nav li.edge > ul {
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#main-nav ul li.edge > ul {
	left: auto;
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/* mega menu */
#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-2 > .sub-menu {
	width: 400px; /* about 2x dropdown width */
#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-3 > .sub-menu {
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#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-4 > .sub-menu {
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#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-2 > .sub-menu > li,
#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-3 > .sub-menu > li,
#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-4 > .sub-menu > li {
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#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-3 > .sub-menu > li {
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#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-4 > .sub-menu > li {
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#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-2 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(2n+1),
#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-3 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(3n+1),
#main-nav li:not(.has-mega-column).dropdown-columns-4 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(4n+1) {
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#main-nav {
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#main-nav .has-mega-sub-menu,
#main-nav .has-mega-column,
#main-nav .has-mega-column ul,
#main-nav li.menu-item-object-tbuilder_layout_part {
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#main-nav .has-mega-sub-menu .mega-sub-menu,
#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu,
#main-nav li.menu-item-object-tbuilder_layout_part > .sub-menu {
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	display: block;
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#main-nav .has-mega-sub-menu .mega-sub-menu {
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#main-nav .has-mega-sub-menu .mega-sub-menu ul {
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#main-nav .has-mega-sub-menu .mega-sub-menu > ul li {
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#main-nav .has-mega-sub-menu .mega-sub-menu > ul a {
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#main-nav .tf_post_count {
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#main-nav .has-mega-sub-menu .tf_post_count{
#main-nav .has-mega-sub-menu:hover .mega-sub-menu,
#main-nav .has-mega-sub-menu:hover .mega-sub-menu > ul {
	display: block;
	opacity: 1;
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#main-nav .mega-sub-menu li a:after {
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	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
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#main-nav .mega-sub-menu li:hover a:after {
	opacity: 1;
	display: inline-block;
#main-nav li.mega-link.loading:before {
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	z-index: 99;

/* mega menu posts */
#main-nav .mega-menu-posts {
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#main-nav .mega-menu-posts .themify_mega_menu_category_link{
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#main-nav .mega-menu-posts .post {
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#main-nav .mega-menu-posts .post del {
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/* mega column */
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#main-nav li.menu-item-object-tbuilder_layout_part > .sub-menu {
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#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu li {
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#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu a {
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#main-nav .has-mega-column .widget h2,
#main-nav .has-mega-column .widget h3,
#main-nav .has-mega-column .widget h4,
#main-nav .has-mega-column .widget h5,
#main-nav .has-mega-column .widget h6 {
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#main-nav .has-mega-column .widgettitle,
#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu > .columns-sub-item > a {
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#main-nav .has-mega-column .widgettitle:before { /* hide widget title bottom border */
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#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu > li {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu > li:first-child {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(2),
body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(2) ~ li {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(3),
body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(3) ~ li {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(4),
body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(4) ~ li {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(5),
body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(5) ~ li {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(6),
body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(6) ~ li {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(7),
body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(7) ~ li {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(8),
body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(8) ~ li {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(9),
body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(9) ~ li {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(10),
body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-auto > .sub-menu > li:first-child:nth-last-child(10) ~ li {
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body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #headerwrap.fixed-header #main-nav .has-mega-column .sub-menu li li,
body:not(.header-leftpane):not(.header-rightpane):not(.header-minbar):not(.header-overlay):not(.header-slide-out) #main-nav .has-mega-column .sub-menu li li {
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#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-4-8 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(2n+1),
#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-8-4 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(2n+1),
#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-6-3-3 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(3n+1),
#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-3-3-6 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(3n+1),
#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-3-6-3 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(3n+1),
#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-3-9 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(2n+1),
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#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-6-3-3 > .sub-menu > li,
#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-3-3-6 > .sub-menu > li,
#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-3-6-3 > .sub-menu > li,
#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-3-9 > .sub-menu > li,
#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-9-3 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(2n) {
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#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-6-3-3 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(3n+1),
#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-3-3-6 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(3n),
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#main-nav .has-mega-column.layout-3-9 > .sub-menu > li:nth-child(2n),
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#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu > li > ul,
#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu > li > ul ul {
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#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu > li.dropdown-columns-2 > ul:after,
#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu > li.dropdown-columns-3 > ul:after,
#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu > li.dropdown-columns-4 > ul:after {
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#main-nav .has-mega-column > .sub-menu > li > ul ul {
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.no-touch #main-nav .has-mega-column:hover .mega-column-wrapper,
.no-touch #main-nav .has-mega-column:hover .mega-column-wrapper ul {
	display: block !important;

/* mobile menu icon */
#menu-icon-close {
	display: none; /* will toggle on mobile */
.header-icons a,
.header-icons a:hover {
	color: inherit;
	text-decoration: none;
.transparent-header .header-icons a {
	color: #fff;
#headerwrap .header-icons > * {
	vertical-align: middle;
.slide-cart .header-icons {
	min-width: 75px;
	text-align: right;
#cart-icon {
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#menu-icon {
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.menu-icon-inner {
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	display: inline-block;
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	width: 1.25em;
	height: 1em;
	overflow: hidden;
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.menu-icon-inner:after {
	content: '';
	display: block;
	border-top: 2px solid;
	position: absolute;
	left: 0;
	width: 100%;
	transition: all .7s ease;
	transition-property: transform;
.menu-icon-inner:before {
	top: 0;
.menu-icon-inner:after {
	top: 50%;
#headerwrap #menu-icon-close {
	transform: rotateZ(0deg);
	transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
#headerwrap #menu-icon-close:hover {
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body.mobile-menu-visible {
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.body-overlay {
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.mobile-menu-visible .body-overlay,
.body-overlay.body-overlay-on {
    display: block; /* fix for Windows phone */

/* fixed-header */
#headerwrap.fixed-header {
    position: fixed;
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    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: 1000;
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.admin-bar.fixed-header #headerwrap.fixed-header {
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body.fixed-header.page-loaded #headerwrap.fixed-header {
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#headerwrap.fixed-header #searchform-wrap,
#headerwrap.fixed-header .header-bar,
#headerwrap.fixed-header .social-widget,
#headerwrap.fixed-header .search-button,
#headerwrap.fixed-header .header-widget {
	display: none; /* hide unnecessary elements in fixed-header */
#headerwrap.fixed-header #header {
	padding-top: 5px;
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	transition: none !important;
#headerwrap.fixed-header #site-description {
	display: none;
#headerwrap.fixed-header #main-nav {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	position: static; /* prevent users to override with absolute position */
#headerwrap.fixed-header #main-nav li {
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.revealing-header #headerwrap{
	position:fixed !important;
.revealing-header #headerwrap.hidden {
	transform: translateY(-100%);
	opacity: 0;
	transition: .5s ease-in-out;
/* transparent-header */
.transparent-header #headerwrap {
	border: none;
	background: none; /* required for transparent-header */
	color: #fff;
	position: absolute; /* required */
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
.transparent-header #headerwrap .themify-widget-menu {
	color: #666;
.transparent-header #pagewrap {
	padding-top: 0 !important;
.transparent-header #content {
	padding: 0;

/* prevent transparent header overlap builder */
.fixed-header.themify_builder_active #pagewrap,
.transparent-header.themify_builder_active #pagewrap {
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body.fixed-header.page-loaded.tb_preview_only #headerwrap,
.fixed-header.themify_builder_active #headerwrap,
.transparent-header.themify_builder_active #headerwrap {
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.transparent-header.themify_builder_active #headerwrap a {
	color: inherit;
.transparent-header #headerwrap #searchform .icon-search:before {
	color: #fff;
.transparent-header #headerwrap.fixed-header {
	background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7);

/* header pull down */
.pull-down {
	display: inline-block;
	text-decoration: none;
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	width: 20px;
	height: 15px;
	border-bottom: 2px solid;
	overflow: hidden;
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.pull-down:before {
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.pull-down:after {
	top: 50%;
.pull-down:after {
	content: '';
	display: block;
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	left: 0;
	width: 100%;
	transition: all .7s ease;
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.pull-down-close .pull-down {
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	overflow: hidden;
.pull-down-close .pull-down:before {
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.pull-down-close .pull-down:after {
	transform: rotateZ(45deg);
.pull-down-close .pull-down:before,
.pull-down-close .pull-down:after {
	top: 45%;

/* add spacing if pull-down and cart icon together */
.pull-down + .cart-icon {
	margin-left: 8px;

/* header cart icon */
.header-block.slide-cart #main-nav-wrap {
	display: -ms-flexbox;
	display: flex;
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	justify-content: center;
	position: relative;
.header-block.fixed-header-on.slide-cart #main-nav-wrap,
.header-block.slide-cart #main-nav {
	position: static;

/* header block */
.header-block #headerwrap.fixed-header .header-bar {
	display: block;
    float: left;
.header-block #headerwrap.fixed-header .header-bar #site-logo {
	margin: 5px 0 0;

================================================ */
	overflow: hidden;
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.big-video-image {
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.big-video-wrap .responsive-video,
.header-video-wrap .header-video{
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/* Hide semi-transparent border when video and image are enabled so image isn't visible behind the video */
#headerwrap[data-fullwidthvideo][data-bg] {
	border-bottom-width: 0;
	background-size: cover;

================================================ */
.header-full-height #headerwrap {
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	display: table;
.header-full-height #header {
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	display: table-cell;
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.header-full-height #headerwrap #header {
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.header-full-height #headerwrap.fixed-header {
	height: auto;
	display: block !important;
.header-full-height #headerwrap.fixed-header #header {
	display: block !important;

#headerwrap.header-gallery-ready {
	background: none;
	position: absolute !important;
body.header-leftpane #headerwrap.header-gallery-ready,
#headerwrap.fixed-header.header-gallery-ready {
	position: fixed !important;
/* gallery controller */
#gallery-controller {
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	height: 0;
	visibility: hidden;
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	left: 0;
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#gallery-controller .carousel-wrap {
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	min-width: 65px;
	margin-left: -32px;
	z-index: 2;
#gallery-controller .carousel-wrap .caroufredsel_wrapper {
	min-height: 18px;

/* slider general style */
#gallery-controller .slider {
	padding-bottom: 10px;
	display: inline-block;
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	height: 100%;
#gallery-controller .slider .slides {
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#gallery-controller .slider .slides li {
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#gallery-controller .slider-dot {
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	background-color: transparent;
	transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
#gallery-controller li:hover .slider-dot,
#gallery-controller .current-slide .slider-dot {
	background-color: #fff;
	box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,1);

/* carousel nav */
#gallery-controller .slider .carousel-nav-wrap {
	text-align: center;
	margin: 10px 0 5px;
#gallery-controller .slider .carousel-arrow {
	display: inline-block;
	z-index: 100;
#gallery-controller .carousel-nav-wrap a {
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	line-height: 1em;
	margin: -21px 0 0;
	width: 72px;
	height: 72px;
	text-decoration: none;
	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: 0;
#gallery-controller a.carousel-next {
	right: 0;
	left: auto;
#gallery-controller .carousel-nav-wrap a:before {
	font: normal 32px/1em 'themify_theme_icon';
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	text-indent: 0;
	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: 50%;
	width: 1em;
	height: 1em;
	margin: -.5em 0 0 -.5em;
	transition: all .2s linear;
#gallery-controller a.carousel-prev:before {
	content: "\e803"; /* ti-angle-left */
#gallery-controller a.carousel-next:before {
	content: "\e802"; /* ti-angle-right */
#gallery-controller .carousel-nav-wrap a:hover:before {
	font-size: 52px;

/* carousel pager */
#gallery-controller .carousel-pager {
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#gallery-controller .carousel-pager a {
	text-indent: -900em;
	width: 12px;
	height: 12px;
	margin: 0 5px;
	background-color: #fff;
	border-radius: 10em;
	cursor: pointer;
	display: inline-block;
	box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,0);
#gallery-controller .carousel-pager a.selected {
	background: none;
	box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,1);
.header-horizontal #gallery-controller .slider .carousel-nav-wrap,
.header-leftpane #gallery-controller .slider .carousel-nav-wrap,
.header-minbar #gallery-controller .slider .carousel-nav-wrap,
.header-horizontal #gallery-controller .slider-dot,
.header-leftpane #gallery-controller .slider-dot,
.header-minbar #gallery-controller .slider-dot {
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.fixed-header-on #gallery-controller .slider .carousel-nav-wrap,
.fixed-header-on #gallery-controller .slider-dot {
	display: none;

.fixed-header-on #headerwrap .backstretch {
	height: 61px !important; /* required to fix header slider on fixed-header */

.header-gallery.header-gallery-ready #header {
	padding-left: 72px;
	padding-right: 72px;

================================================ */
/* best fit */
#headerwrap > .backstretch img.best-fit {
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#headerwrap > .backstretch img.best-fit-vertical {
	height:100% !important;
#headerwrap > .backstretch img.best-fit-horizontal {
	width:100% !important;

/* fullcover */
#headerwrap > .backstretch img.fullcover-left-top {
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#headerwrap > .backstretch img.fullcover-left-center {
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#headerwrap > .backstretch img.fullcover-left-bottom {
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#headerwrap > .backstretch img.fullcover-right-top {
	top:0 !important;
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	left:auto !important;
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#headerwrap > .backstretch img.fullcover-right-center {
	left:auto !important;
	right:0 !important;
#headerwrap > .backstretch img.fullcover-right-bottom {
	top:auto !important;
	bottom:0 !important;
	left:auto !important;
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#headerwrap > .backstretch img.fullcover-center-top {
	top:0 !important;
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#headerwrap > .backstretch img.fullcover-center-center {}
#headerwrap > .backstretch img.fullcover-center-bottom {
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/* page title */
.page-title {
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================================================ */
.author-bio {
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
.post {
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/* post content */
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/* more link */
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/* post date */
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/* Display post date circle as inline text */
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/* post meta */
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.single .post-meta:empty,
.single .post-author:empty {
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================================================ */
.single.single-fullwidth-layout .featured-area {
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.single.single-fullwidth-layout .featured-area .post-image + .post-content .post-date-wrap.post-date-inline .post-date {
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================================================ */
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/* gallery column 4 */
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/* gallery column 5 */
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/* gallery column 7 */
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/* gallery column 8 */
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/* gallery column 9 */
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/* set gallery item margin-right */
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.gallery-wrapper.gallery-columns-5 .item,
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/* clear gallery item margin-right */
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.gallery-wrapper.gallery-columns-7 .item:nth-of-type(7n),
.gallery-wrapper.gallery-columns-6 .item:nth-of-type(6n),
.gallery-wrapper.gallery-columns-5 .item:nth-of-type(5n),
.gallery-wrapper.gallery-columns-4 .item:nth-of-type(4n),
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/* Masonry Gallery */
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/* gallery item */
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/* gallery caption content */
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.gallery-wrapper .item:hover img {
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================================================ */
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.single.single-slider-layout .featured-area .slider.single-slider .carousel-next:before {
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.single.single-portfolio.single-slider-layout .featured-area .carousel-pager {
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================================================ */
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.single.single-split-layout .featured-area .post-content .post-meta,
.single.single-split-layout .featured-area .post-content .post-meta a,
.single.single-split-layout .featured-area .post-content .post-title a {
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================================================ */
.loops-wrapper.grid4 > .post {
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.loops-wrapper.grid4 .post-title {
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================================================ */
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.loops-wrapper.grid3 .post-title {
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
.loops-wrapper.grid4 > .post:nth-of-type(4n+1),
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.loops-wrapper.grid2 > .post:nth-of-type(2n+1),
.loops-wrapper.grid2-thumb > .post:nth-of-type(2n+1) {
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================================================ */
.loops-wrapper.list-thumb-image .post {
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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.loops-wrapper.slider.no-gutter .post {
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================================================ */
.overlay .product .product-image + .product-content,
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.polaroid .product .post-image + .post-content,
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.overlay .product .product-image + .product-content a h2,
.overlay .product .product-image + .product-content .price,
.polaroid .product .product-image + .product-content a h2,
.polaroid .product .product-image + .product-content .price,
.overlay .product .product-image + .product-content a,
.polaroid .product .product-image + .product-content a,
.overlay .product .post-image + .post-content a,
.polaroid .product .post-image + .post-content a,
.loops-wrapper.overlay .post-image + .post-content a,
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.overlay .product:hover .product-image + .product-content,
.polaroid .product:hover .product-image + .product-content,
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.polaroid .product:hover .post-image + .post-content,
.loops-wrapper.overlay .post:hover .post-content,
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.polaroid .product:hover .product-image,
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.polaroid .product .post-image,
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.overlay .product .product-image + .product-content,
.polaroid .product .product-image + .product-content,
.overlay .product .post-image + .post-content,
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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POST PAGINATION (the <nextpage> tag)
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================================================ */
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POST VIDEO (css for fluid video)
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/* Post Filter */
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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================================================ */
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Post Type Builder PLUGIN
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Loading Page
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